Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

10th is the best day ever~

10 july 2011 , yak may be it is the best day I have in my life..
I'm wait Denny Sumargo at Juanda Airport, and in reality, my friend and I meet with (citra idol, ello and Denny Sumargo).

When, I meet citra :
In facts, my friend and I feel shy with her to take a picture with her. After that, I go to citra and say "kak, boleh minta fotonya ga?" And then ollie take picture me with citra and also ollie same with me.

After that at 7.30 "denny was landed at surabaya"
I'm and ollie see him from far. I think, denny use orange clothes and black jacket. After that, I see man like Denny (and that is true), I was go run to him.
And I shack my hand to him and say "hi, kak aku @GfebrielT 'with give him a gift' and Denny say "apa ini?" Me "kado" Denny "ah, gausa repot2" me "gpp kak" Denny "makasih ya" Me "kak, boleh minta foto? 'But, I'm not see him face, you know Denny more tall from me. And then my friend and I take a picture with him. And my hand reflex for shack hand with Denny.
And he say "makasih ya. Eh, kemana itu mojokerto ya? Jauh ga sih?" I say "sama2 kak, iya mojokerto lumayan sih kak." And the last meeting with him, he say "makasih ya, hati hati ya", and also I say "sama2 :)"

After Denny, go to the car. My friend and I meet with ello. In the first time, ollie say to ello "kak, boleh minta foto?" And ello say "iya, oke" and after that we take a picture.

After that, I go to other station for talking with ollie, and I see Denny in the car. He is so handsome.

Did you know :
10 july 2011 it's first time meet with the artist (Citra,Denny,ello) although Denny is not artist, he is player basketball.
I feel "shy, nervous" when, I meet Denny Sumargo.

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